I'm always tickled
when someone finds a creative use for one of our products that never even occurred to me. So
when George K. Thiruvathukal told me that he is having his Open Source Practicum students use Google
Code to host their projects for his class this semester, I had one of those "Why of course!"
George is a Computer Science professor at Loyola University of
Chicago (my alma mater!) and he felt that using Google Code would be an ideal way to introduce
his students to open source best practices, software development tools, and collaborative
software development at the same time--a perfect match for a class on writing open source
software. He also had his students label their projects with comp412.cs.luc.edu, so he just
has to search for label:comp412.cs.luc.edu
on Google Code and he can quickly find out what his students have been up to (although maybe
that's not so good if anyone has been procrastinating!).
think that these are both great ideas and we'd love to see more classes and scientists using
Google Code for their open source work. If you're using Google Code for something interesting
or unusual (and open source!), be sure to let us know.