Antonio Molina
LovettHandle: y0105w49
What's your favorite music to listen to while coding? “Always looping the Vicious Delicious album by Infected Mushroom.”
DuHandle: xll114514
Code Jam claim to fame: This is Yuhao’s second time at the
Code Jam World Finals, previously competing in the 2021 World Finals. |
Benjamin Qi
Handle: Benq
your favorite 2022 Code Jam Problem? “Qualification Round -
Twisty Little Passages. First time I
used importance sampling in a contest!”
Sangsoo Park Handle:
What does your handle mean?
"1. I personally like sunfish :) 2. I like the way it
sounds. 3. Mola is pronounced "몰라" in Korean, which means "I don't know".”
Daniel Rutschmann
Handle: dacin21
What's the best coding competition advice you've ever received? “Have fun and always try to challenge yourself by solving problems that seem too
difficult at first.”
Mingyang Deng
Handle: CauchySheep
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I love
random walking.”
Gennady Korotkevich
Handle: Gennady.Korotkevich
What’s your favorite 2022 Code Jam Problem? “Saving the Jelly from
Round 2 took the most creativity to solve!”
Alexander Golovanov
Handle: Golovanov399
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I have
11 musical instruments, most of which I can only play on a level "may accompany in a song I
Andrew He Handle:
Code Jam claim to fame: This will be Andrew’s fourth time competing in the Code Jam World Finals, having competed
in 2019, 2020, and 2021 previously.
Aleksei Esin Handle:
What's an interesting and fun fact about
yourself? “I love bungee jumping.”
Lingyu Jiang Handle:
What's an interesting and fun fact about
yourself? This is Lingyu’s first time competing in the Code Jam World
Kevin Sun Handle:
Code Jam claim to fame: This will be Kevin’s third time competing in the Code Jam World Finals, having competed
in 2019 and 2020 previously.
Lukas Michel Handle:
What does your handle
mean? “It's a combination of letters from my name and the name of the
village where I grew up.”
Matvii Aslandukov
Handle: BigBag
an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I enjoy playing sports such
as tennis, table tennis, volleyball, football, as well as playing piano and guitar.”
Borys Minaiev
Handle: qwerty787788
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “A year
ago I started doing buildering and we created a chat with just 3 people in it. Now there are
almost 100 participants. Who could imagine it would grow so fast?”
Yahor Dubovik
Handle: mhg
your favorite music to listen to while coding? “Red Hot Chilli Peppers.”
RadeckiHandle: Radewoosh
What's the best coding competition advice you've ever received? “Becoming good isn't about creating a chance to solve a problem. It's about removing a
chance to not solve a problem.”
KalininHandle: KalininN
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I'm an
experimentalist in laser physics, also I love traveling and photography.”
LindholmHandle: simonlindholm
What's an interesting and fun fact about yourself? “I've
been really into the Super Mario 64 A Button Challenge recently, and N64 game decompilation.
Also, mushroom hunting.”
Kento NikaidoHandle:
What's an interesting and fun fact about
yourself? “I'm a cat. My recent hobby is Sed Puzzle”
Tiancheng LouHandle:
Code Jam claim to fame: This will be Tiancheng’s eighth Code Jam World Finals, having previously competed in the
World Finals in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2019, 2021.
DaniliukHandle: Um_nik
What’s your favorite 2022 Code Jam Problem? "I, O Bot from Round 2, because it
was actually a competitive programming problem”
Yuta TakayaHandle:
What’s your favorite 2022 Code Jam
Problem? “Saving the Jelly. It is mainly
because I solved it in the last five minutes of the contest.”
SemenovHandle: zemen
Code Jam claim to fame: This will be Konstantin’s third
Code Jam World Finals, having previously competed in the World Finals in 2017 and 2018.
Masa OgiHandle:
Code Jam claim to fame: This will be Masa’s first Code Jam World Finals!
Marek Sokołowski
Handle: mnbvmar
does your handle mean? “Not a deep one, really (though some of my
buddies may disagree!). In fact, it's just a few consecutive keys on the keyboard and a prefix
of my name.”