Pricing plan announced for Google Cloud SQL

MAY 10, 2012
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By Joe Faith, Product Manager

Google Cloud SQL provides a fully managed database service for Google App Engine applications. Hosted on Google's infrastructure and based on the familiar MySQL database, Google Cloud SQL automatically provisions and maintains your databases, allowing you to focus on your applications and services.

In March, we were delighted to welcome our 10,000th developer on Google Cloud SQL, joining businesses like Daffodil, who halved their development time by building on Google's platform.

Since the preview launch in October 2011, we’ve been busy working on improving the performance, adding features like scheduled backups, and multihoming to increase availability and improve performance. We are also now offering more powerful instances with up to 4GB of RAM. Today, we are announcing our pricing, with two options to choose from:
We will not start charging for the service until June 12th. Full details of the pricing plans are available here:

Google Cloud SQL is currently in limited preview. If you want to give us a try, start here:

Joe Faith is a Product Manager on the Google Cloud Team. In a previous life he was a researcher in machine learning, bioinformatics, and information visualization, and was founder of charity fundraising site Fundraising Skills.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor