Design, Develop, and Distribute at I/O 2014

APR 15, 2014
By Billy Rutledge, Director of Developer Relations

Whether you're a developer who's interested in the latest developments in the Googleverse or someone who wants to build the next billion dollar app, Google I/O is the ticket for you. It’s your opportunity to speak directly with us about what’s going on and where apps are headed for 2014. At past I/Os, we skydived onto the Moscone Center--broadcasting live using Google Glass and Google+, launched hardware--like the original Nexus 7 and the first commercial Chromebooks, and showed you how you can use Google services to take your apps to the next level.

While we aren't ready to share what’s up our sleeves just yet, we can share with you that we’re focusing on three key themes this year: design, develop and distribute--helping you build and prove your app from start to finish. With those themes in mind and the registration window opening today (link), here’s what we’ve got planned for Google I/O 2014:

We’re really looking forward to this year’s event and hope you are too. Don't forget that the registration window will remain open from 4pm PDT today (April 15) until April 18 at 2:00 PM PDT. Applicants will be selected at random after the window closes, and we’ll let you know your status on or around April 21.

We look forward to seeing you in June, whether you’re joining us at Moscone, at an I/O Extended event, or online at I/O Live.

Billy Rutledge, Director of Developer Relations

Posted by Louis Gray, Googler