Who's @ Google I/O - spotlight on the Open Web

MAY 07, 2009
Web developers face many limitations when trying to develop web applications that match the functionality of desktop applications. Many people are working on removing these limitations and helping make the open web an even more powerful platform. Browsers have recently focused on and significantly improved JavaScript performance, and new HTML5 and related APIs are currently being formulated and implemented, giving developers even more capabilities. Through efforts like O3D, Chromium, and Native Client, we want to contribute our technology and web development expertise to developing and promoting open web standards that will ultimately help developers build better apps and make their users happy.

Here are some of the developers who'll be at Google I/O (only 19 days away) and speaking or demoing their products built on open web technologies:
You can also take a look at our sessions page for a full list of sessions. In particular, sessions under the "Client" track focus on making changes in client products such as browsers to empower the open web platform, implementing HTML5 and related APIs, discussions around 3D and native code, and more. The Sandbox will include engineers of Google product teams that are deploying open web technologies, like the Gmail for mobile HTML5 app, Native Client, Chrome extensions, and O3D.

Google I/O is only 19 days from now - to sign up, go to code.google.com/io!

*Keep up with the latest I/O updates: @googleio.

By Christine Tsai, Google Developer Team