The App Engine Team’s trip to I/O 2010 (Recap & Videos)

JUN 01, 2010
This year’s Google I/O included a flurry of announcements and presentations for the App Engine team. Thanks to everyone who attended our sessions, stopped by the Sandbox, or came to meet the team at our office hours. It was great to meet all of you. For the App Engine developers out there that weren't able to make it out this year, we wanted to give you a quick recap on what you missed.

We opened up the first day’s keynote with App Engine’s very own Kevin Gibbs announcing App Engine for Business and doing a demo of the new Business Admin Console. There’s lots of great new features coming with App Engine for Business so if you missed the announcement, please read more about it and sign up to be a part of the preview. We also announced our work with VMWare to connect our development tools in order to allow developers to use SpringSource tools and Google Web Toolkit to build applications and deploy them on App Engine.

If you were watching the keynote, you might have missed the announcement that we released version 1.3.4 of the App Engine SDK which included a brand new bulkloader and experimental support for OpenID and OAuth. The Blobstore API is also no longer experimental and supports files up to 2GB in size.

In addition to all the high profile announcements in the keynote, we also hosted a number of great sessions about App Engine development for the rest of the conference. Thanks to the dedicated I/O organizers, videos of all the App Engine sessions are now available so anyone can watch them (with more to come in the next few days): In addition to the linked session titles where you'll find the videos and slides, you can also find all videos in this YouTube playlist for App Engine I/O 2010 sessions.

There’s plenty of great information in all the presentations, so for those of you that missed, we highly recommend you watch the videos and read the slides. For everyone else that made it to I/O this year, thank you for making this year’s I/O a complete success. It’s incredibly energizing for us to see all your hard work, thoughtful questions, and great ideas on App Engine. We’re already excited to see what you all surprise us with at next year’s I/O!

By Sean Lynch, App Engine Team