Open Source Developers @ Google Speaker Series: Andrew Morton

APR 24, 2007
Posted by Leslie Hawthorn, Open Source Team

On Tuesday, May 1st, the Open Source Developers @ Google Speaker Series will be pleased to host Andrew Morton, who will be presenting "The State of the Linux Kernel." Andrew, lead maintainer for the Linux public production kernel, will review trends in recent changes to the kernel. He will also examine the motivations of various contributors and discuss areas of the kernel which could use a bit more love.

As with all sessions of the Open Source Developers @ Google Speaker Series, Andrew's presentation will be open to the public. Doors open at 6:30 PM at our Mountain View campus; guests should plan to sign in at Building 43 reception upon arrival. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome and encouraged to attend. Andrew's presentation will also be taped and published along with all of the public Google Tech Talks on Google Video.

And for those of you who were unable to attend the last session, you can watch the video of Alex Martelli's recent presentation on Python for Programmers.