GWT at Google I/O 2010

JUN 01, 2010
This year's Google I/O was one to remember, with demos and presentations that showcased the power of HTML5 for consumers and businesses, as well as a complete proliferation of Android apps and devices (some of which ended up in the hands of attendees).

Day one included a keynote presentation by our own Bruce Johnson and SpringSource's Ben Alex. Here they announced the Google and VMware partnership which makes it easy for developers to harness the power of Spring Roo and GWT to build rich enterprise web apps that are cloud portable. As part of this announcement, the GWT team released GWT 2.1 M1, which not only includes VMware integration, but also Data Presentation Widgets and an MVP Framework.

Along with the great keynotes, there were plenty of in-depth GWT sessions. In the event that you missed them, here's a recap:
In addition to the linked session titles where you'll find the videos and slides, you can also find all videos in this YouTube playlist for GWT I/O 2010 sessions.

It was fantastic meeting everyone out at I/O, and we hope that it was as exciting and educational for you as it was for us. As always, stay on top of the latest GWT 2.1 release progress on the GWT Blog, and be on the lookout for posts from other I/O tracks coming soon!

By Chris Ramsdale, GWT Team