Google Cloud projects: Tips and best practices

APR 06, 2022
By Peter Jacobsen, Google Technical Writer

Least privilege

Always apply the principle of least privilege when you provide access to Google Cloud resources. The best practice is to grant only the most limited predefined roles or custom roles that meet your needs.

For more information, see Least privilege.

Google Cloud billing alerts

Set up Google Cloud billing alerts for your projects at specified intervals for early warning of usage patterns, and to help reduce costs.

For more information, see Create, edit, or delete budgets and budget alerts.

API quotas

API quotas protect the Google infrastructure from excessive API requests. Traffic is blocked when the level of requests reaches the daily API quota level or a per-user rate limit.

To avoid disruptions due to an API quota level that's too low, set the quota for your app or API appropriately. Note that the lead time for the increase of quotas is one month.

For more information, see API Quotas.

Checklist for production-ready enterprise workloads

Use this checklist to set up scalable, production-ready enterprise workloads. Note that the checklist assumes that you're an administrator with control over your company's Google Cloud resources.

For more information, see Google Cloud setup checklist.

Google Workspace domain ownership of projects

Google Workspace domain ownership of your group's project lets you tie it into a Google Workspace account, rather than have it tied to a personal account.

For more information, see Best practices for planning accounts and organizations.

Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP)

IAP lets you hide your website until you’re ready for people to see it. IAP establishes a central authorization layer for apps accessed by HTTPS, so you can adopt an app-level access-control model rather than use network-level firewalls. When IAP protects an app or resource, only users who have the correct Identity and Access Management (IAM) role can access it through the proxy.

For more information, see Identity-Aware Proxy overview.

Cloud Build

Cloud Build can import source code from a variety of repositories or cloud storage spaces, execute a build to your specifications, and produce artifacts, such as Docker containers or Java archives. You can configure builds to fetch dependencies and run unit tests, static analyzes, and integration tests.

For more information, see Cloud Build.

Useful Google Cloud tools and services

Google Cloud has many tools and services that can help you create and keep your projects in sync, such as:

Google Groups for management across projects

Google Groups can help you manage teams across projects, which includes the setup of the group access through IAM. Groups such as project teams, departments, or classmates can communicate and collaborate with Google Groups. If you want to invite a group to an event or share documents with a group, you can send a single email to everyone in the group.

For more information about how to set up a group, see Google Groups.

Watch for Google suggestions

Google provides many useful tips and suggestions for best practices within the context of your work. For example, if you go to a project that you haven't used in a while, you may get a warning like this one:

If you click the link, you see a page that tells you how to apply role recommendations to help you enforce the principle of least privilege to ensure that principals have only the permissions that they actually need. Google offers many suggestions for best practices such as this one, so watch for them as you work.

Here's an example of a useful in-console recommendation that you might see from your billing page:

If you click Learn more, you arrive at a Cloud billing checklist, which is part of a longer billing-specific checklist that you might find useful.

Here's another example found on the API & Services page:

If you click Edit settings, you arrive on a page where you can change the settings.