Getting organized with the Tasks API

MAY 11, 2011

Cross-posted from the Google Apps Developer Blog

Google Tasks helps many of us to remember all those things that keep us busy. Towards the end of last year we asked our users what they wanted to see improved with Google Tasks and an overwhelming request was for the ability to access tasks from anywhere — be it on the move, on the desktop, or through their favorite Web apps.

Today, we’re checking off a big to-do from our list and are inviting you to try out the new Google Tasks API. Using the Google Tasks API, developers can — for the very first time — create rich applications which integrate directly with Google Tasks.

The Google Tasks API provides developers with a powerful set of API endpoints for retrieving and modifying Google Tasks content and metadata. It offers a simple, RESTful interface and supports all basic operations required to query, manage and sync a user’s tasks and task lists. The API uses JSON for data representation and works with multiple authentication mechanisms including OAuth 2.0.

Plain HTTP using JSONUsing Google API Client Library for Java
POST /tasks/v1/lists/<list-ID>/tasks
Content-Type: application/json
{ title: "Publish blog post" }
Task task = new Task();
blog post");
Client libraries are provided for several major programming environments and should help you get up and running quickly.

The API is available in Labs and can be activated for your project through the API Console. Get started today by trying the Tasks API yourself using the API Explorer and taking a look at the documentation.

If you want to see the API in action check out the Google Tasks Chrome Extension. If you are at Google I/O we invite you to come along and hear the Google Tasks team talk about the new API today.

We thank the early adopters that have worked with us and built their own Google Tasks integrations over the last weeks. We’d like to highlight a few of them:

Get Started with the Google Tasks API today!

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Posted by Fabian Schlup & Nicolas Garnier
Google Tasks API Team