GDG DevFest season: community-organized developer events

SEP 06, 2012
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By Uttam Tripathi, Developer Relations Team

Just a couple of months ago developers from all over the world gathered for Google I/O, our annual developer conference in San Francisco. Now the community of Google Developer Groups (GDG) is taking the initiative to organize a series of GDG DevFest events worldwide.

DevFest logo

GDG DevFests are powered by a shared belief that when developers come together to exchange ideas, amazing things can happen. These community-run events offer technical sessions, hackathons, and code labs across different Google product areas. Each GDG DevFest is uniquely tailored to the needs of the developer community that hosts it.

This year’s global GDG DevFest season will see events from London to Shanghai, Bangalore to Buenos Aires, Auckland to Mountain View and beyond. Our inaugural GDG DevFest season kicks off September 21 and continues through November 11.

map of devfest locations

We would love to see more events across the world. These are community-organized events, so if you don’t see an event in your area and are interested in having one, check out the next steps here. Do visit as more and more locations share their plans.

See you at your local GDG DevFest!

Uttam Tripathi is a Program Manger on the Developer Relations Team. Uttam is coordinating this year's GDG DevFest program worldwide and is in charge of developer outreach in India.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor