YouTube: Now with GData Goodness

AUG 29, 2007
By Stephanie Liu, Google data APIs Team

YouTube is the latest service to join the GData family. Now you can search through YouTube's index and get detailed video, user, and playlist information in the form of GData feeds. If you haven't built something with YouTube yet, now's a great time to get started! Here are some examples to give you ideas.

Search through the index for new 'puppies' videos (I subscribe to this query, doesn't everyone?):

Search through lonelygirl15's videos for the season finale (maybe you missed it, or just want to relive the drama):

List all of NBC's playlists:

Ooh! They have a Heroes playlists (I love Hiro):

The full list of functionality can be found in the reference guide on our new home on

For the old-school YouTube developers, the migration guide has info on switching over, including the upgrade timeline (you'll have at least a year).
Head over to the YouTube API Announcement Blog for the rest of the details.

I'm looking forward to seeing new faces in our developer forum - feel free to stop by with questions or feedback.