We're building a community for the cloud-minded

OCT 01, 2013
Author PhotoBy Alex Maier, Google Cloud Platform Community Manager

Cross-posted with the Google Cloud Platform Blog

Developers using Google Cloud Platform can now talk to each other, and to Googlers, in a brand-new Google+ Community.

The new community is where we will share information about official Google Cloud Platform developer programs and events with you, to help more people get engaged. You can also get help from your peers, share your own stories and contributions, and find great developers to invite to join your project.

Along with our other forums, such as StackOverflow, the Google+ community helps newcomers find the right resources more quickly.

How can you contribute? There are many ways:

We’re just starting out with this new community, but we have big plans, and we want your ideas for making this space more useful and engaging for you, too. Share them with us in the community.

Alex Maier’s goal in life is to grow the Google Cloud Platform community stronger and more vibrant every day. She loves discoveries, science, and racing cars.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor