Updates from the Django Sprint
by Adrian
Holovaty, Django core developerMore than 200 people around the
world devoted their time and brainpower to improving the
Django Web framework this weekend, during a
scheduled Django coding sprint. On Friday, September 14th, the first day of the sprint, some
Django developers gathered at Google's offices in Chicago and Mountain View for the benefits
of in-person communication, camaraderie and, yes, free food.
17 people
showed up at
Chicago, which was a sort of ground zero for the sprint, with the project's
BDFLs Adrian Holovaty and Jacob
Kaplan-Moss in attendance. Another 7 people participated from
Mountain View office, which was linked with Chicago via videoconference.
Python creator (and Google employee)
Guido van Rossum even stopped by via
videoconference to give a pep talk about Django version 1.0 and share some of his experience
running a large open-source project.
The sprint was intensely
productive, with more than 400 tickets closed in the
Django issue-tracking system,
300 new patches/ticket attachments and more than 200 commits to the Django code base. All
told, there were more than 2,440 changes, including wiki changes, ticket changes, patch
uploads and code check-ins.
Overall, the consensus was: "We should do
this more often!"

The Chicago sprinters, hard at work (photo by Jacob Kaplan-Moss)