The hunt for Google I/O 2014 registration easter eggs

APR 28, 2014
By Mónica Bagagem, Google Developer Marketing team

During the past two weeks, 300 of our most loyal developers discovered a registration code to Google I/O 2014, upon completion of a space adventure to [37.7829° N, 122.4033° W, Earth], aka the Moscone Center West.
Throughout your hunt for clues, we hope you also had the opportunity to learn more about the variety of documentation and resources available for developers, covering different products and platforms:
The lucky Captains who found the leads first, were guided by a robot co-pilot called Icarus Odessa (I.O. initials, get it?!) on a spaced-themed text adventure game, filled with starships, asteroids, and a few sci-fi references. We were seriously impressed by the clever strategies you used to discover our clues, and thrilled to see the community interact throughout the quest. If you’re curious to meet Icarus, have some fun playing the adventure game here.

Our goal was to reward you - our developer power users - with the opportunity to experience the magic of I/O first hand. We know that not everyone will be able to attend in person, but you can still join us virtually: visit to watch the live stream, download the mobile app, and learn more about Extended I/O events happening near you.

We hope to see you in June!

Mónica Bagagem is part of the Developer Marketing team, working on Google I/O and supporting Designer related efforts. She is a world traveler and a brunch lover.*

Posted by Louis Gray, Googler