Previews of I/O Sessions: Brad Chen, Sven Mawson and Ben Lisbakken

MAY 08, 2009
We hope you enjoyed watching the previous set of previews for Google I/O sessions. These previews are a way for the speakers to present their topics in their own voice and for you to be able to pick and choose which sessions you would like to attend ahead of the conference. Keep an eye out for more previews on the other sessions at I/O in the coming weeks; we look forward to seeing you at Google I/O, on May 27-28.

Brad Chen - Native Client: Using Native Code to Build Compute Intensive Web Applications

Sven Mawson - Evolution of the Google Data Protocol: New Features for Building more Efficient Applications

Ben Lisbakken - Fun Hacks and Cool JavaScript: The Advanced Techniques Behind the Google AJAX API Playground

By Neel Kshetramade, Google Developer Programs