Introducing Technitone: Showcasing the Web Audio API, multiplayer and live in WebGL

FEB 28, 2012
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By Paul Irish, Chrome Developer Relations

The Web Audio API, currently available in Chrome, provides a considerable amount of aural power to developers interested in integrating audio into their apps and games. Low latency audio playback, audio generation and realtime effects are available with a sensible API in Chrome stable.

We worked with to develop Technitone, a web audio experience that lets you join other players to plot tones on a grid, construct melodies and modify the output with a robust toolset of effects.

technitone logo

Click on over and poke around.
If you’re interested in the techniques and software behind the project, take a look at the case study with plenty of sample code and demos on HTML5 Rocks:

Paul Irish helps developers build compelling apps for the web on the Chrome Team. He also works on HTML5 Boilerplate, Modernizr, and many bits and bobs of open source code.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor