Interview with Ian Hickson on X/HTML 5

MAR 28, 2007
Posted by Dion Almaer, Google Developer Programs

What is more important to the future of the web than the future of HTML, and adoption of technology in the browsers? Our own Ian Hickson has been blazing a trail under the WHATWG umbrella, as he tries to do the right thing, and standardize what is already being down, instead of making a specification in an isolated room.

Back in 2005, Ian conducted a comprehensive, detailed analysis of how markup is used on the Web which gives his real world metrics to go by.

Vlad Alexander from was invited to post a series of questions to the X/HTML 5 team on their public mailing list, and recently published their Q & A session.

If you haven't stayed up to date on what is happening around the standards, take a peek to see how the team answered questions such as:
The full writeup can be read here.