Guice Deuce

MAY 19, 2009
Two years ago, Bob Lee and Kevin Bourrillion open sourced Google Guice 1.0, a lightweight Java dependency injection framework. Guice takes the pain out of writing and maintaining Java applications big and small. Guice has gained a great deal of traction both inside and outside of Google. Almost every Java-based application at Google is also a Guice-based application; the list includes AdWords, Google Docs, Gmail, and even YouTube. Open source users run Guice in everything from file-sharing software to ATMs. They've even written two books about this Jolt-award-winning framework.

Today, we're releasing Guice 2. The minimally-sized API extensions introduced by Guice 2 will have a majorly positive impact on the size and maintainability of your code. We closely scrutinized each addition, carefully balancing maintainability and flexibility. Here are a few of my favorite new features:
Guice works with Java SE, Java EE, Google App Engine, Android, and even Google Web Toolkit (via GIN).

Guice 2.0 Release Notes
User's Guide

By Jesse Wilson, Google Developer Team