Google Web Toolkit Version 1.4 RC

MAY 29, 2007
By Dan Peterson, Google Web Toolkit Team

In the midst of preparing for Google Developer Day, those of us on the Google Web Toolkit (GWT) team wanted to give you something fun to play with: GWT version 1.4 RC. This release candidate represents the first major iteration that has happened in the open, with significant contributions from the GWT open source community.

If you've not had a chance to check out GWT before, now is a great time. In version 1.4, we feel we've made significant progress on "making GWT better," including reducing the size of the JavaScript output, adding new widgets, and improving the start-up time for a given application. Give it a whirl and bring your questions to Developer Day, or feel free to post them on the GWT Developer Forum.

Read more about version 1.4 on the GWT blog.