Google Visualization API Expanding Beyond Google Spreadsheets

MAY 29, 2008
By Nir Bar-Lev, Product Manager

We are excited to announce that we are opening up the Google Visualization API beyond Google Spreadsheets and adding more capabilities for developers. Earlier at the Google I/O developer conference, we launched several new features of the Google Visualization API:

As part of the event model, we are introducing a generic select event. Developers can introduce their own events for their visualizations. We plan on adding more generic events that the community chooses and aligns around – ultimately creating a robust event model for visualizations and dashboards.

You can read more about these cool new additions on the Visualization API website. Browse the new visualization gallery to see the visualizations we have already posted over the new JavaScript interface and and take look at code examples to get started with your own.

We would love to hear more from you on these new additions. Tell us what you think and engage with the rest of the community on the API’s community group page.