Google Summer of Code Update: Joomla!

JAN 02, 2007
When I met Joomla!'s core developer team during a recent talk at their Dutch Community Days, I was quite impressed by how much enthusiasm they showed for the Google Summer of Code program. You can check out the detailed wrap up report for more information on all of Joomla!'s projects for 2006; each of Joomla's students completed the program successfully. Of the six students who worked with Joomla! during 2006, three have joined the project's Development Workgroup, along with one mentor; these three students are regularly committing code that will be used in upcoming releases.

We were fortunate enough to have Joomla!'s two GSoC program administrators, Louis Landry and Wilco Jansen, visit Google before the recent holidays. We talked them into giving a presentation to us about their project and GSoC, and you check out their talk on Google Video. They give some great advice for potential GSoCers, both mentors and students.

Congratulations to the Joomla! mentors and students for 2006, and many thanks to Joomla! for joining us in the program once again!