Google Prediction API 1.5 adds enumeration, analysis, and more

MAR 09, 2012
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By Marc Cohen, Developer Relations

The Google Prediction API Team has been hard at work on Release 1.5, which is available now, with the following new features:
You can read more about the API details here. The new release is available now via the HTTP RESTful interface and our various language-specific client libraries. You can also experiment with the new Prediction API 1.5 interactively via the Google APIs Explorer.

We’re always looking for ways to improve the Prediction API so, as always, please let us know about any problems or feature suggestions you might have. Happy Predicting!

Marc Cohen is a member of Google’s Developer Relations Team in Seattle. When not teaching Python programming and listening to indie rock music, he enjoys using the Google Prediction API to peer into the future.

Posted by Scott Knaster, Editor