Google Developer Podcast Episode Eleven: OpenSocial with Patrick Chanezon

NOV 02, 2007
By Dion Almaer, Google Developer Programs

The announcement of the OpenSocial project is really exciting, so I was really glad to drag Patrick away from his work to take some time to chat with me about it.

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Patrick is easy to talk too, and I think that comes across in the interview itself. There has been a lot of pre-release speculation on what OpenSocial really is, and the press has put out wildly different ideas over the last couple of weeks. Patrick lays out the facts of the announcement.

He covers a lot, including:Sit back and listen to Patrick's dulcet French tones as he takes you through all things OpenSocial.

You can download the episode directly, or subscribe to the show (click here for iTunes one-click subscribe).

Also, check out video from the Campfire One event and interviews with a subset of the partners involved in the OpenSocial launch. Having a large number of application developers and container vendors show what they have already done gives you a glimpse to the future.

Now I want to record the next podcast by the fire.