Dart Flight School - Successful Take-Off

MAR 26, 2014
Author PhotoBy Seth Ladd, Developer Advocate

In celebration of Dart 1.0, the global developer community organized over 120 Dart Flight School events, and the response was overwhelming. Throughout February, 8500 developers learned how to build modern web (and server!) apps with Dart and AngularDart. Attendees got their Dart wings in Laos, France, Uganda, San Francisco, New Delhi, Bolivia and everywhere in between.

If you missed out, you can watch this Introduction to AngularDart video, build your first Dart app with the Darrrt Pirate Badge code lab, and try the AngularDart code lab.

Here are some of our favorite photos -- some events really embraced the theme!

+Kasper Lund, co-founder of Dart, speaking inside a decommissioned 747 at a Flight School hosted by GDG Netherlands.

GDG Seattle hosted their Flight School in the Museum of Flight.


8 cities in China did simultaneous events over Hangouts on Air (on Air, get it?) GDGs in Beijing, Hangzhou, Lanzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou, Xiamen, Xi’an, and Zhangjiakou participated.

Check out more photo highlights from around the world.

Thank you to the amazing community organizers, speakers, volunteers, and attendees that made this possible.

Next time, space!

Seth Ladd is a Developer Advocate on Dart. He's a web engineer, book author, conference organizer, and loves a game of badminton.

Posted by Louis Gray, Googler