Apply to Google Developers Launchpad Studio for AI & ML focused startups

JUL 26, 2017
Posted by Roy Glasberg, Global Lead, Google Developers Launchpad

The mission of Google Developers Launchpad is to enable startups from around the world to build great companies. In the last 4 years, we've learned a lot while supporting early and late-stage founders. From working with dynamic startups---such as teams applying Artificial Intelligence technology to solving transportation problems in Israel, improving tele-medicine in Brazil, and optimizing online retail in India---we've learned that these startups require specialized services to help them scale.

So today, we're launching a new initiative - Google Developers Launchpad Studio - a full-service studio that provides tailored technical and product support to Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning startups, all in one place.

Whether you're a 3-person team or an established post-Series B startup applying AI/ML to your product offering, we want to start connecting with you.

Applications to join Launchpad Studio are now open and you can apply here.

The global headquarters of Launchpad Studio will be based in San Francisco at Launchpad Space, with events and activities taking place in Tel Aviv and New York. We plan to expand our activities and events to Toronto, London, Bangalore, and Singapore soon.

As a member of the Studio program, you'll find services tailored to your startups' unique needs and challenges such as:

We're looking forward to working closely with you in the AI & Machine Learning space, soon!

"Innovation is open to everyone, worldwide. With this global program we now have an important opportunity to support entrepreneurs everywhere in the world who are aiming to use AI to solve the biggest challenges." Yossi Matias, VP of Engineering, Google