Announcing Core ML support in TensorFlow Lite

DEC 05, 2017
Posted by The TensorFlow Team

On November 14th, we announced the developer preview of TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow's lightweight solution for mobile and embedded devices.

Today, in collaboration with Apple, we are happy to announce support for Core ML! With this announcement, iOS developers can leverage the strengths of Core ML for deploying TensorFlow models. In addition, TensorFlow Lite will continue to support cross-platform deployment, including iOS, through the TensorFlow Lite format (.tflite) as described in the original announcement.

Support for Core ML is provided through a tool that takes a TensorFlow model and converts it to the Core ML Model Format (.mlmodel).

For more information, check out the TensorFlow Lite documentation pages, and the Core ML converter. The pypi pip installable package is available here:

Stay tuned for more updates.

Happy TensorFlow Lite coding!