Get Out and Vote! (on Google Code)

NOV 04, 2008
By Mike Marchak, Google Code Team

This election season, the Google Code Team has been inspired by democracy. We have been looking at and thinking about ways to make the site better for our users. For example, we updated the homepage a few weeks ago to make it easier to find some of our most popular products. However, we wanted to give our users the right to vote. So, when Google Moderator was released to the public, we thought it would be the perfect tool to get your feedback and ideas. The best part is that you can vote on good ideas so they move to the top of the list and vote against bad ideas so they don't. We added a feedback link in the footer on Google Code, but you can get started using the link below.

Vote on Google Code!

We plan to review your feedback to help us prioritize improvements to Google Code. We'll also respond periodically to the highest rated comments in the Google Code Blog.

So get out and vote on Google Code!