GData for Picasa Web Albums

MAR 21, 2007
Posted by Sven Mawson, Picasa Web Albums Team

The Picasa Web Albums team is pleased to announce the release of the newest member of the GData family, the Picasa Web Albums data API.

Now you can access your albums, photos, comments and tags through a common GData API. Have a great idea for integrating your photos and tags into a semantic network? Want to add a slide show of your favorite photos to your homepage and include user comments? How about autotagging your photos based on image analysis or photo description or title? Or allowing users to pick a Picasa Web Albums photo from inside your application? The possibilities are endless.

We're excited to see what great ideas the developer community comes up with for the Picasa Web Albums data API. We hope this newest installment gives you the freedom to make the killer application you always wanted, and as always we encourage comments, questions and criticisms. Tell us what you think.