New open source project: Open Automation Framework

OCT 20, 2006
Post by Allen Hutchison, Engineering Manager

One of my favorite things about working for Google is that I get to do cool things as a member of the testing team. Last year I gave a talk at StarWest about building open source automation testing frameworks, during which I showed some code snippets that people could use in their own testing. As I developed the talk I found that I was also developing a tool other people might find useful, so I polished it a little, got comments on it from some people, tried it out on a few projects, and today released it as the Open Automation Framework (or OAF as I like to call it).

This was a 20% project for me at Google, and I really enjoyed putting it together. I hope that people in the testing community find this code useful, and I'm anxious to hear your comments. OAF is hosted at Google Code.